Press release of the Episcopal Ordination of Father Theodor Matsapula

Press release of the Episcopal Ordination of Father Theodor Matsapula

Чер 18, 2024

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Pope Francis appointed a new eparchial bishop for the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy. Father Theodor Matsapula, IVE, syncellus for Matters of Monasticism of the MGCE was nominated as the ruling bishop.


Theodor Matsapula (christened Andriy) was born on August 21, 1981 in the village of Krylos, Ivano-Frankivsk region. In 2001, he entered the novitiate of the Congregation of the Incarnate Word, continued his studies at the International Seminary of San Vitaliano in Segna and at the Center for Higher Studies of St. Bruno the Bishop (2002–2008). On August 25, 2007, he made his perpetual vows, and on February 10, 2008, he was ordained a priest and began his missionary activities for the Greek Catholics of Siberia and the Far East. In 2013, Father Teodor returned to Ukraine in order to serve in Transcarpathian region. From 2013 to 2019, he served as the provincial superior of the Congregation of the Incarnate Word in Ukraine.

Hierarchical ordination

Through episcopal ordination, the fullness of the Sacrament of Priesthood is conferred. Consecration makes the bishop the legitimate successor of the apostles and a member of the College of Bishops. He must therefore take care of all the Churches together with the Pope and other bishops and also he receives the power to teach, sanctify and rule. The bishop has to be ordained by at least three other bishops. This rule is the sign that a bishop never acts alone, but is united with the College of Bishops. In particular, bishop-nominee Theodor will be consecrated by:
•    chief consecrator – His Eminency Kyr Volodymyr (Viytyshyn), archbishop and metropolitan of Ivano-Frankivsk;
•    the second consecrator – His Eminency Kyr JONAH (Maxim), Archbishop and Metropolitan of Pryashiv;
•    the third consecrator – His Exellency Kyr NIL (Lushchak), the current Apostolic Administrator of the MGCE.

The bishop, who is entrusted with the local Church, is the visible beginning and basis of the unity of this Church as a structure. As Christ's vicar, he exercises pastoral authority over his Church with the help of priests and deacons.



Uzhgorod Exaltation of the Cross Cathedral, Andrey Bachynskyi Square, 1.

July 15 at 6:00 p.m. – Great vespers with the Ceremony of the episcopal title of Fr. Theodor Matsapula. Before the start of the service, confession of faith will be made by bishop-nominee (it is made by everyone who is appointed to  the title of bishop).

July 16 at 11:00 a.m. – Episcopal Divine Liturgy with the Rite of Episcopal Ordination of Fr. Theodor Matsapula. During the liturgy itself, before the readings, the actual ordination ceremony will take place. The ceremony will be performed by placing the Gospel on the head of the candidate and reading the appropriate prayers. We will therefore invoke the Holy Spirit, who with His grace "heals the weak and supplements the insufficient." After the prayers, the new bishop will be dressed in appropriate episcopal clothes, and the dressing itself will be accompanied by the chant "Axios", which is translated from Greek as "Dignified". Then the liturgy will continue as usual.
Since Bishop Theodor will become the ruling bishop, after the liturgy there will be an elevation to the pulpit as a sign that the Mukachevo Greek-Catholic Eparchy has received its new pastor.

After the Liturgy, there will be a briefing where journalists will have the opportunity to ask questions the new bishop. Journalists who will be accredited will be notified of the time and place of the briefing.


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Accreditation of journalists

In case of additional questions, you can contact:
•   +38 (095) 429-38-49
